A1 Auto Services

Garage Related Services in Tunbridge Wells

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26a Park Street
Tunbridge Wells

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Key Services

breakdown recovery, car repairs, car services


A1 Auto Services located in Tunbridge Wells also covering Tonbridge, Sevenoaks, Paddock Wood, Five Oak Green, Cranbrook, Staplehurst, Goudhurst and CoxHeath offer car servicing and repairing like MOT testing, diagnostics, head gaskets, brakes and clutches as well as suspensions and welding. Furthermore a free delivery and collection service and emergency breakdown recovery (full 24 hour service 7 days per week, 365 days a year) belong to their offering. Additionally the company privides a free, friendly advice, honest and reliable service with no obligation quotes and most reasonable prices in town. For further information please use the contact details above.



Reliable and Honest




I dont know what happened with John Hexter, but I have been a customer of A1 for the past 5 years with the family's cars and cannot fault Stuart's service. He goes above and beyond to sort problems quickly and effectively and doesn't charge the earth either. Wouldn't hesitate to recommend him.

C Keith - 03/12/2012 | report this review

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Ron Turner




Reliable approachable and affordable. A1 Auto Services have been looking after my car for the past 18 months and have always provided a prompt and efficient service with no nasty surprises. Recommended.

Ron Turner - 10/12/2009 | report this review

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Harry Mallows




Efficient, competetatively priced place, run by honest decent guys. I couldn't fault my experience with A1, great work

Harry Mallows - 31/10/2009 | report this review

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We offer these services

  • Delivery Service
  • Customer Service / Helpline
  • Free Quotes
  • Emergency Call Out
  • Credit Card Payments

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  • Cash
  • Cheque
  • Maestro
  • Visa
  • PayPal

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