Beckenham Carpet Cleaners

Cleaning Contracting Domestic in Beckenham

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73 High Street

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Opening hours

Monday to Sunday: 9am - 10pm


We provide Beckenham house cleaning at the most flexible hours for our customers convenience. Although we only employ professional cleaners, who only treat our customers and their belongings with the utmost respect. We understand that many people would like to oversee a house clean in their home themselves. To make sure that this is always a possibility, we employ house cleaners who are willing to work evenings and weekends at no extra charge. As if that is not enough, we even have employees available during public holidays.

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I'll give them another call




My kitchen always seemed to be a right tip. No matter how much I tried to keep it clean, it would always get messy. Wanting it to be one-hundred percent clean and make sure that it looked perfect at least for a while, I called in Beckenham Carpet Cleaners. Their reputation had preceded them so I was eager to see what their kitchen cleaners could do for me. They gave my kitchen an immaculate clean, much better than I could have ever achieved. My kitchen is clean for now but when it gets messy again, I'll give them another call.

colin norton - 27/09/2016 | report this review

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Beckenham Carpet Cleaners




Household chores are a nightmare at times, trying to fit everything into an already hectic lifestyle is not easy, especially when you have a big family, like we do. I don’t mind doing the cleaning but I was finding it hard to do it all alone and take care of the kids too, My husband is a great support but he works away all week and I’m pretty much left to do it all by myself. We both agreed that Beckenham Carpet Cleaners were ideal for us, we have not been disappointed with them, hiring them was the best decisions we ever made.-

Mark Morgan - 21/11/2014 | report this review

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Craig Roy




If anyone out there still hasn’t had the benefit of working with Beckenham Carpet Cleaners, then do yourself a favour and find out how much of a difference they can make to your house cleaning. We were in a rush to get everything ready in time and it became increasingly obvious that we would be needing to hire in professional help. Because we’ve worked with them before, we knew exactly who to call and we’ve not been disappointed yet. Every time, they’re excellent. A really useful service which will do a huge amount to ensure that your home is properly cleaned.

Craig Roy - 28/08/2014 | report this review

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I knew they were pros




I had a couple of red wine stains which had been staring at me for a really long time. It is really my fault that I’ve left them for so long. But then my friend gave me the details for Beckenham Carpet Cleaners and started telling me about how great they were. I’m always a bit suspicious of what she has to say, but I eventually gave in and gave them a call. When they came around, they took one look at the big old stains and smiled. That was when I knew they were pros. They sorted everything brilliantly.

Tonya Brown - 22/07/2014 | report this review

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