Training Providers in Livingston
Suite 22
Carmondean Centre south
West Lothian
EH54 8PT
Tim Musson: 01506 3... 01506 324468
Data protection support and training, Scotland and across UK. We are a small company, based in central Scotland, established in 2010 by Tim Musson. After many years' experience as a lecturer in diverse areas of computing in the Scottish university sector, and completing a programme of study for Master of Laws degree (LLM) in IT and Telecoms Law, he has been supporting businesses, charities and institutions in areas of information security and data protection as well as providing CPD for professionals in law, accountancy and similar professions.
In Computer Law Training we strongly believe that, in both of these areas, apart from the obvious benefits of avoiding problems with the law, it makes good business sense to build customer confidence by, at the very least, complying with the law. Even better, go beyond the legal requirements and conform to best practice.
Currently (since Feb 2014) Tim is Convener of the Law Society of Scotland's Privacy Law Committee.
We offer cost-effective training and consultancy in data protection compliance for businesses of all sizes. Training can be delivered in-house and all services can be delivered online using a 'virtual classroom', giving considerable cost savings.
For members of most professional bodies our training will meet the requirements of verifiable CPD.
We can help you with the development of data protection compliant business processes, procedures and policies.
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will be enforced, with potentially huge penalties, in mid-2018. It is important to start preparing now for this. We can offer training and support for this.
Get in touch now to discuss what we can do for you - no hard sell, just a discussion of your needs or problems and the ways we might be able to help.
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We work with clients who require one or more consultations in order to check they are compliant with the Data Protection Act (DPA) and related legislation. Also preparing for the GDPR.
Data protection compliance is enforced in the UK by the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO). The most frequent compliance failures are:
This training on what could be quite a dry subject, was well put across and it appeared that a high level of interest was maintained. Well done Tim.
Delegate at Institute of Fundraising training
Thats very helpful as always,Many thanks
Joyce Cuthbert, Customer Services Manager: Housing, Port of Leith Housing Association
Testimonials are added by the business owner and are not independently verified.