Martial Art Instruction in Oldham
Central Dojo
Bright Street/Napier Street West
Dr Dave Terry: 0161621... 01616210789
Monday: 6:30pm - 9pm
Tuesday: Closed
Wednesday: 6:30pm - 9pm
Thursday: 6:30pm - 8:30pm
Friday: 7pm - 8:30pm
Saturday: 12pm - 3:30pm
Sunday: Closed
Family Orientated Voluntary Academy open 6 days a week. Full CRB Disclosure and Child Protection Policies in place. Friendly fully equipt Gym to cover most Martial Arts needs. Access to some of the World's leading Courses and Competitions.
March 2000
I am interested in what type of classes are available, how much they are per session, the hours and monthly subscription etc... I am contacting on behalf of my partner. He is interested in kung fu, mainly wing chun, wondered if you could help me at all? Or maybe you could point me in the right direction to something similar. Thanks
Ellesha Irving - 17/08/2009 | report this review
please tell me about what styles ofkung fu you do? i'm thinking of enrollingmy son who is 5.can you tell me why i should enrole him. also can u tell me how much it is per session the hours and how much a month,. Much thanks westley johnson.
westley johnson - 23/06/2009 | report this review
Dave its Alex's dad. Its his birthday on 6th April and we want toget him boxing gloves, pads and a bag to punch and kick. I,m skint at the mo but the only ones i can find that might suit him is in Agros. Can you advise? £50 max. Cheers mate
Graham McKenzie - 20/03/2009 | report this review
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