Direct Mobile Tyres & Battery Services
Car and Commercial Vehicle Repairs in Bradford (West Yorkshire)
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84 Beech Road
West Yorkshire
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Contact Numbers
Opening hours
Monday to Saturday: 9am - 9pm
Sunday: 10am - 4pm
Key Services
Welcome to direct mobile tyres...
Our aims are to provide a personal but professional service repairing vehicles to the highest standard but most importantly at the right price . We understand customer needs and know how to meet those needs. We recognise
customer importance which is why we always go the extra mile to give our customers more for their money . Our quality of work is backed by our 20 years of experience .
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Products and Services
Service + mot
£30 off standard service and mot (excludes vehicles on longlife servicing)
Price: £130.00
We offer these services
- gallery
- special offers
- website
- Emergency Call Out
We offer these payment methods
- American Express
- Cash
- MasterCard
- Maestro
- Visa
- PayPal
- WorldPay