Elevation Estate Agency

Letting Agents in Milton Keynes

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Elevation Unit 900b The Hub
Avebury Boulevard

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when the going gets easy, they just don't care




Maybe it's just estate agents, when the market picks up they just can't be bothered to nurture their prospective client base. Or maybe it's Milton Keynes; they think they're onto a winner, or something. Elevation::bullish, absurdly arrogant to lottery winner status, they actually don't give a toss. Well, it ain't over yet, boys. You can look forward to 2010, rubbing your sore eyes from the glare of a false dawn. And, actually, to all estate agents, it's your lot who hyped the market in the first place. But dear Elevation, may I suggest a little courtesy, rather than thinking you're judges on the X Factor.

Billy Mcclelland - 19/09/2009 | report this review

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