Ilum Therapies

Therapists in London

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23/25 Greenwich Church Street
SE10 9BJ

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Opening hours

Monday to Friday: 10am - 5:30pm

Saturday to Sunday: Closed

Key Services

anger management, berevement, depression



Ilum provides therapy solutions from CBT trained therapists who wanted to get quicker results for their clients. It was through personal experience that they found that the changes people wanted could be achieved in a matter of hours not months or years . Once they tried and tested rapid therapy methods they decided it was time to share this experience with others to help them achieve lasting life changing results in less than half the time of conventional methods.

About Us

Ilum provides therapy solutions from CBT trained therapists who wanted to get quicker results for their clients. It was through personal experience that they found that the changes people wanted could be achieved in a matter of hours not months or years .

Our Services

At Ilum, we work with individuals, not generic conditions, so because we focus on matching individual needs, we offer a range of therapies, so you can choose which treatment is best suited to your requirements or simply let us use a blend of treatments to give you the fastest most effective result possible.

What Can We Treat?

Our speciality is to treat and eradicate any sort of Fears and Phobias even those not clearly defined, as in panic or anxiety attacks but that's only the tip of the iceberg.

Just some of the other things we can treat are

Fear Related Issues, Addictions and Emotional Issues


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Products and Services

We offer these services

  • Wheelchair access
  • video
  • gallery
  • website

We offer these payment methods

  • Cash
  • Cheque


Problem – Irrational Fear, Panic and Anxiety Attacks, Loss of Confidence. As you know for many years I suffered with daily Panic and Anxiety attacks, this lead to social isolation, difficulties performing at work and loss of confidence, even sitting down to family meals had became a problem and it felt as though my life at 30 was already over. I tried at some expense, private counselling, public counselling, group work sessions, cognitive behaviour therapy, private psychiatry assistance and many avoidance and breathing technique methods. Over many years nothing helped and it wasn't until my partner one day decided to book me in for a TFT session, the most I knew of this method, was Paul McKenners' I can make you thin, and that didn't fill me with much confidence that this treatment could help with reducing the daily onslaught of irrational panic attacks I was suffering. At first I didn't think much of the session, you (the Ilum practitioner) were nice, seemed understanding and the processes\techniques weren't difficult to carry out; if not a little odd but it all seemed too surreal to have worked. My partner said he noticed a change immediately but I couldn't tell, it wasn't until we reached home that I realised I did feel different and there had been a change, everything was just easier and I felt lighter. I still didn't really believe it until a whole week later when, despite me having the fear I would have another panic attack, I realised I hadn't had a single issue since the session! And I realised it didn't take me long to get into a new routine, trying out different foods, going to the cinema without fear of panicking and having to leave and go home. It's now been 8 months since my last panic attack, my social life is full, my performance at work has noticeably improved and my confidence is growing every day. This is a treatment that I wish I had several years ago, I feel as if my life has started again and I can do things now that I would ever dream I'd be doing..... I would (and already have) highly recommend Ilum Therapies to anyone who has panic attacks or phobias that strip them of their confidence and stop them living their lives. It'll change their lives!

Ms M Turner – Accountant

Problem – Obsessive Compulsive Disorder & Hording It was the DWP service ATW that referred me to you and services at Ilum. The session itself was different to anything I had experienced; having had OCD for over 11 years I was at a point where I would try anything, CBT and group work were the main options previously give to me and I attended both for coming up to 8 years. However in my first session with Ilum, you not only cured me of my OCD, but as you are CBT trained, you also redefined the previous CBT sessions I have had into real contexts that made them relevant to my personal and work life, everything just clicked into place. I did however want a further session to help me delve a little deeper as once the OCD was gone, I realised how much I had been hording things too. My house was stacked to the ceiling with things I was hording but I honestly never “noticed” it. I’m happy to say that thanks to you, my 11 year old issues are TOTALLY non-existent. It’s changed everything for me, my employer was impressed with the difference to my work life that I’ve been given a promotion in that I’m now able to lead a research project myself! In the first time for many years my hoarding habit had stopped and it took one weekend to clear out the years of bits and bobs, I kept a memory (shoe) box of special items, but it was great seeing the floor again. Honestly, the whole experience changed my life; I now have control and have so much more time every day to do things because I’m not wasting it on completing routines – I can’t really express the changes I’ve experienced in writing, but where I used to hide away and be worried, I now put myself front and centre and always have a huge smile on my face.

Mr C Beale – Market Researcher

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