Inspiring Fitness

Fitness Consultants in Fareham

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42 Belvoir Close
PO16 0PJ

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I offer a complete mobile Personal Training service in your own home or other convinient location at a time to suit you. All my exercise programmes are tailored to fulfil your goals and inspire you to a healthier lifestyle. My services include: 1 to 1 or 1 to 2 Personal Training, Nurtition and Weight Management advice, Sports Specific Fitness Training, Corporate exercise classes and Team Building. Check out my website to take advantage of a Free Consultation, Free Session and Free diet plan. ...

Don t feel like training today

We all struggle to find the motivation to train now and again, you may have planned a run and it is raining cats and dogs or you might have a whole pile of chores that simply cannot wait. During these times it is all too easy to find an excuse and put off training until tomorrow. When these everyday distractions occur it is a good time to remind ourselves as to some of the benefits we gain through exercise and how those chores might actually seem more bearable after a workout.Below I am going to give you six very good reasons why you should take some exercise today! •1. Exercise is good for your HeartHeart disease is the number one killer in the UK. The heart is a muscle, and like all muscles the better trained it is the more efficiently it works, the more efficiently it works the less strain is placed upon it during everyday activity. Exercise has been proven to lower the resting heart rate, meaning that it is having to work a lot less during everyday life.•2. Exercise is good for the BrainYour brain stands to benefit from regular exercise as well as your muscles. The increased blood flow to the brain is thought to enhance cognitive and mental function. A study in the University of Illinois measured the mental ability of 18 - 24 year olds giving them two computer tests. The first test was administered after a period of inactivity and the second after a period of fast running on a treadmill. After performing the fast running the students proved to have faster decision making skills and answered more questions correctly.•3. Exercise is good for the prevention and control of type two diabetesThere is strong evidence to suggest that moderate physical activity combined with weight loss and a balanced diet can produce a 50 - 60% reduction in the risk of developing diabetes among those already at high risk.•4. Exercise may reduce the risk of breast and other cancersBreast cancer is now the most common form of cancer in the UK and whilst scientists haven't categorically proven that exercise can reduce your chances of contracting the disease (mainly due to the many other contributing factors) a large scale study was conducted at the university of Trosmo in Norway of more than 25000 women over a ten year period. This study concluded that women who took part in vigorous exercise for at least four hours each week were 37% less likely to develop Breast cancer.•5. Exercise alleviates depressionResearch shows that regular vigorous intensity exercise for 20 - 30 minutes per session 3 - 5 days a week can alleviate mild depression as effectively as anti depressant drugs. A recent British study concluded that the anti depressant effect of exercise may be down to a chemical called phenylethylamine of which levels rise rapidly during vigorous exercise. •6. Exercise helps you live a happier longer lifeActive people live longer healthier lives, simple! These are only six of the many reasons to exercise. If these six reasons are not enough for you then keep looking out for my next blog where I will give you even more examples of how you can benefit from a healthier more active lifestyle.If however this short article has inspired you or simply reminded you of why you are exercising then switch off the computer, grab your trainers and get out there! Mike Radford Inspiring Fitness Personal TrainerFareham/Hampshire

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Register of Exercise Professionals Level 3

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