Bag Lane
M46 0AP
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I first tried to book this as I was desperate to pass my test. I read mixed reviews - later found that the only really good one I had read was "written from their own IP address" I had come from London for this, and after ENQUIRING about rescheduling due to weather conditions, I was told to "f*ck off" and "not come to Manchester". When asked why he was being aggressive, I was told that me lessons were going to be cancelled with no money back. THEY ARE AGGRESSIVE CHEATS!!! DON'T USE!!!
Sara Bee - 08/10/2012 | report this review
I first tried to book this as I was desperate to pass my test. I read mixed reviews - later found that the only really good one I had read was "written from their own IP address" I had come from London for this, and after ENQUIRING about rescheduling due to weather conditions, I was told to "f*ck off" and "not come to Manchester". When asked why he was being aggressive, I was told that me lessons were going to be cancelled with no money back. THEY ARE AGGRESSIVE CHEATS!!! DON'T USE!!!
Sara Bee - 08/10/2012 | report this review
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