Sandler Training

Training Services in Reading

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1b Waltham Court
Milley Lane
Hare Hatch
Rg10 9AA

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Opening hours

Monday to Friday: 8am - 6pm

Saturday to Sunday: Closed

Key Services

customer service training, Enterprise Sales, leadership training


  • Non-Traditional Sales Training

About us

There's no point even considering working with Sandler unless you are open to doing things radically differently; you need to be committed to fixing your leadership, sales & sales management problems forever; and you're ready to take direction and accept help.

We pull no punches. No one pays us to be nice. We deliver real results and stop the problems you face with your selling and sales management FOREVER.

If you want to make printers rich, carry on sending out your information. If you want to waste perfectly good enquiries, make sure your website tells them all about your features and benefits. If you want to give away the sale to a competitor ... answer your prospects questions in detail, write proposals, get involved in bids and tenders without qualifying if you can win first.

WARNING: If you are easily offended by directness, salty language and would prefer to keep deluding yourself by fighting for your old excuses, go to our competition. Most people fear facing the cold, hard, ugly truth. Our job is to get you to look into the Abyss, face facts and fix yourself, your head-trash and your old bad habits.

How to make your sales and selling easier to win more customers

You don't differentiate in what you sell; you differentiate in how you sell it.

Life is too short to waste it pitching for business with people who are never going to buy. It's too precious to spend chasing people who are avoiding you, giving you the run around, using your proposal to get the same solution cheaper from one of your competitors, or using your price or better service to beat up their current supplier, isn't it?

Buyers lie to your salespeople all the time, not because they're bad people but because they don't trust salespeople. Then they try to get the salesperson to give their solution away for free by asking lots of questions and encouraging free consulting. Then, just when the salesperson thinks they're ready to buy and trial closes, they hit them with objections, excuses, smokescreens and stalls. Once the salesperson has handled the buyers' objections, they have no where to go other than to ask for a proposal and once again manage to avoid making the decision to buy because the salesperson now goes away, writes up a proposal and on average has to spend 6+ attempts just to get through to the prospect, who by now has gone cold.

IMPORTANT WARNING: Unless you are closing 100% of the proposals you write and send to prospects YOU ARE DOING IT WRONG! Yes, I did say 100%. Come along to our next Directors' Briefing for Owners, Directors and CEOs It's FREE but you will leave asking yourself some of the toughest questions of your career!

Wrong Hires Are the Single Highest Hidden Cost in Any Business; Wrong Hires in Sales Kill Businesses

Q: What do you call a conversation between two adults where both sides are lying through their teeth?
A: A job interview

The one thing any salesperson can do reasonably well is sell themselves ... even if that was the last sale they'll make for you until you fire them!

Have you ever interviewed a salesperson who sounded like they were James Bond, but the minute they were on your payroll, they developed an allergy to the phone, became champion blamers and excuse makers, and behaved more like Mr Bean.

I bet you recruited them for their excellent skills, relevant experience and historical results, didn't you?

Why is that a big mistake? Because those tell you that "Fred" used to be good until he posted you his CV. It doesn't tell you if Fred will be good in your job, nor if he was lucky or if he was being carried in his previous role, or he was working an easy territory with lots of cash cow customers?

Learn how to identify the leading indicators (predictors of success) in the role you are hiring for. Discover how to spot the difference between those who could but won't and those who can and will succeed. Spot false positive hires (Mr Bean in Bond's tuxedo), get to the truth behind every candidate.

Email: to find out about our next "Hiring Bond not Bean" bootcamp or to discuss us training your managers on how to hire predictively and accurately.

A Salesperson Who Can't Prospect Can Never Be Any More Than An Order Taker

Our clients get past 80% of gatekeepers on the first call. 96% of the decision makers they speak to, invite them to explain why they're calling. 75% of them want to talk beyond the elevator pitch. And our clients get up to 80% call backs from voicemails.

With stats like that do you really believe cold calling is dead?

In all my 27 years of selling I have never had to queue to make a cold call. Most salespeople would rather have their wisdom teeth pulled than make cold calls. they avoid them. They make excuses for not making them. They say they don't work, and given the way most of them make cold calls, I'm not surprised.

Email: to find out when our next Cold Call Bootcamp is being held and book places for all your team.

Trading Since




Leaner selling




Marcus is a great sales trainer. His sessions are fun and interactive but most importantly help you to start putting what you learn in theory into practical use. If you want sales training that is going to get you positively pumped for the day he is not the man for you. If however you want to have a systematic approach to selling in your business that saves time, prospects giving you the run around and results in more money in the business account for less effort Marcus is your man.

Toby Fischer - 02/02/2016 | report this review

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  • Customer Toilets

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I am Hannah Goldsmith and I am the Owner of Goldsmith Financial Solutions and the Founder of the 'LifeStyle Choice' program. I have had my own practice for over 20 years. When I bumped into Marcus (and he really is as big as his personality) I wasn't quite sure of him... brash, confident, direct ....but intriguing. I have read and listened to most American style motivational books and courses over the past two decades and initially felt there was very little point in meeting up with a sales training, motivational speaker, I have heard it all before thank you. However, he spoke to me using his impeccable sales ability (which went right over my head at the time, but I now know how to do it, albeit only 5% as good as Marcus) and I agreed to meet. We chatted about my business and my objectives for the business (which I promised my self I wasn't going to I don't like being sold too) but it was a breathe of fresh air. I am normally very sceptical about what people promise they can do for me, but he added value from the minute we started talking. Convert, you bet I am, I have had very few Mentors that I have looked up to in my career, but Marcus is now on the list. Marcus you have given me a clear direction, huge amounts of confidence to move my business forward, and I am very grateful and fortunate that you introduced yourself to me. I have rejuvenated energy to just follow the rules, because the results in such a short time are mind boggling. The future is so exciting and each day I wake up and say 'its time to make a difference'. The only thing I am disappointed about if you don't mind me saying, is that as a 'Meatloaf' lookalike you haven't given me a rendition of 'Bat out of Hell'.....but there's still time .... Highly recommended, he delivers!!

Hannah Goldsmith, Principal, Goldsmith Financial Solutions

Visualization is an audio visual integration business which is coming up to its 10 year anniversary. "Peaks and troughs within the business with half our annual turnover produced in overly busy summer periods caused me to seek advice from Marcus. Since working with Marcus my business strategy has changed with a focus on clarity, ensuring both myself and my team have a clear and mutually agreeable understanding of expectations resulting in accountability. In the past twelve months we have doubled in staff, turnover and profit and also have a clear plan for future growth over the coming years. During this time, I have effectively released myself from the day to day whirlwind of the business and now can focus on the growth of the business and achieving a work/life balance. Although the initial financial investment at first was a concern, I quickly realised if this would result in the step change I was looking for within my business then it was a small price in comparison. I was surprised to appreciate how straightforward sales and management could be and the Sandler approach has certainly opened my mind to this outlook. Not only has working with Marcus changed the way I approach everyday situations, it has also impacted my family life and can also be seen within my team at work. I would certainly recommend Marcus and have recently added one of my sales staff to his training to further reinforce the Sandler way within the business."

Nick Pidgeon, Managing Director

Testimonials are added by the business owner and are not independently verified.

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