Management and Business Consultants in Durham
Belmont Business Park
County Durham
bryan burke: 0779980... 07799805723
bryan burke: 0191375... 01913755713
Monday to Sunday: 24 hours
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Dear Bryan, Hope you are well? Firstly please except my apologies in the delay in getting back to you, I have been exceptional busy and was off for a few days ill. With regards to our assessment for our Acs we cannot applaud you enough, you made the whole transition moving over from ISOQAR to CCAS very simple, and straight away you put our concerns at ease. With regards to the assessment not only did you ensure that Alpha met the required standard you also took timeout to advise us of additional measures we should adopt above and beyond the ACS to improve our business and help us achieve our long time goal of becoming one of the UK leading security providers. Best Regards Rory McGoldrick 07714287100 Managing Director -- Tel: 0207 127 4260 Fax: 0845 468 0589 Web:
Alpha One Security Services
Hi Bryan, I would just like to take this opportunity to thank you for all the effort, input and invaluable insight during your visit. From my perspective, your comments and knowledge have proven extremely useful and impressive. Rest assured, that I will be asking Tony for you to attend again next year, as your first class professionalism, insight, knowledge and input will be greatly welcomed. Thank you, once gain, and I look forward to seeing you next year! Kind regards Dave Blakeley
Securetask Security Ltd
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