Deansgate Osteopathic Clinic

Osteopaths in Bolton (Lancashire)

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152 Deansgate

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Opening hours

Monday: 9am - 7:30pm

Tuesday to Friday: 9am - 5:30pm

Saturday to Sunday: Closed

Key Services

back pain, physio, sports injuries


  • Osteopath
  • Physiotherapist
  • Backpain....
  • Knee pain
  • Pain down the leg
  • Acupuncture
  • Sports Injury
  • Neckpain

Proven and experienced osteopaths

We look at what is creating your pain, can it be treated, managed or rehabilitated with a view to help you prevent a return.

Better movement, better function with less pain with Physiotherapy

Physiotherapy can be great to treat and rehabilitate many injuries from back issue to sports inury.

Back pain treatment

Backpain is the biggest complaint we see and something we are well suited to assess, treat, rehabilitate or manage. You may have been told you have sciatica, a slipped or prolapsed disc, which are all serious conditions, we look to see if we can treat the underlying problem and the reasons for experiencing it, why you have it can often be obvious but mostly its not. Sometimes the pain can be eliminated, sometimes its about management. If we feel further investigations are required such as X-rays or an MRI scan we will write a brief report for you to take to your doctor

Treatment for knee pain

Knee pain can be caused from a number of tissues;such as ligament, cartilage, joint dysfunction or muscle imbalance.
Here at Manchester Osteopaths we assess what tissues are creating what pain, then depending on our findings put a plan together to treat, manage and rehabilitate the injured joint, often there may be a case to refer for additional investigations such as X-Rays or scans.

Sciatica? a big pain that can go down your leg

Pain that radiates from your lower back through your hip and buttock and down your leg where it divides into two branches at the knee, you need to knee what creates the irritation and how can this be resolved.
We assess, treat, manage and rehabilitation or if necessary refer of further investigation.

Acupuncture treatment

A growing body of evidence-based clinical research shows that traditional acupuncture, as practised by British Acupuncture Council members safely treats a wide range of common health problems including short-term relief of symptoms such as low back pain, tension-type headaches and migraines. It can also be used to help temporarily relieve pain associated with osteoarthritis of the knee (along with exercise and conventional medicine). In fact NICE recommends acupuncture for lower back pain, migraines and tension type headaches.

Deep Tissue and Sports Massage

When it comes to massage there is a vast amount of descriptions and explanation, such as ours below, however regardless what you name it and like – sports massage, deep tissue release or soft tissue manipulation – does it really matter? We want you to feel better and thats our aim.

More mobile, less stressed and and ready for action. This will help reduce aches and pains, whether caused by sport, injury, or the many stresses and strains of modern everyday life.

And now for our description;

Deep tissue or sports massage is a targeted treatment incorporating a range of techniques, including stretching, neuromuscular (trigger point therapy) and myofascial release to address musculoskeletal pain and dysfunction.

Although most people associate the term ‘sports' massage with this type of therapy, I also use the term deep tissue, as many people are affected by muscular problems without participating in any kind of sport. Repetitive movements that are part of everyday life, such as driving, using a PC or fulfilling caring responsibilities can all lead to muscular problems.

A consultation covers how long the problem has existed for, what causes it and home care advice, pain can usually be reduced or sometimes alleviated completely, and range of motion increased, while tissue swelling and inflammation can be reduced and function improved, and don't worry if we have difficult case or more comprehensive treatment is needed we can call upon the watchful eys of the osteopaths or physios.

The number of sessions vary and some chronic conditions will take longer to address. The vast majority of musculo-skeletal problems can be addressed in somewhere between one and six sessions.

Sports and deep tissue massage therapy can be great in helping a huge range of symtom, these include:

headaches and migraines
injuries and pain caused by sports or accidents, such as whiplash and ligament damage
frozen shoulder
lower back pain
tennis elbow
Repetitive strain injury
ITB syndrome
Compartment Syndrome

Sports Injury Clinic for the treatment, management and rehabilitation of sports injuries

Whether you are an enthusiastic amateur, an elite professional, a gym junkie or simply like to keep fit, sports injuries do occur. Many sport injuries are the result of overuse through playing too hard and too often, but occasionally incorrect equipment is the problem like ill-fitting footwear which can cause hip, knee and foot injury. Football, golf, rugby, tennis, running, skiing, dancing, and martial arts are some of the many sports that our patients compete in and come to us for treatment.
Common Sport Injuries Osteopathy Can Help:
Achilles Tendon Injuries
Back Pain (lumbar or thoracic pain)
Biceps Tendonitis
Constant Knee Problems
Frozen Shoulder
Foot Pain
Hip Pain
Injuries That Don't Go Away
Persistent Hamstring or Calf Strains
Running Injuries
Recurring Achilles Problems
Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI)
Sprained Ankle and Other Sprains
Tennis Elbow or Golfer's Elbow
Wrist Injuries

Issues such as joint dysfunction or soft-tissue restrictions limit the body's ability to function correctly, directly affecting the degree of performance and may even result in further injury. Osteopathy can help by improving joint mobility, reducing adhesions and soft-tissue restrictions, resulting in structural balance and restored movement leading to enhanced performance.
At Manchester Osteopaths we Can Help:
Overcome injuries
Improve performance
Prevent further injury

Neck pain is common in people of all ages and is often caused by how we use our necks

Working all day bent over a computer, driving long distances, poor posture while standing or sitting, stress and tiredness are all factors that can cause the muscles in the neck and upper back to become tight and the joints to become stiff which can contribute to ongoing neck pain.

Sometimes a nerve in your neck can become irritated or “trapped" and cause pain in the arm going down into your shoulder or the hand, and may be accompanied by pins and needles and numbness.
Osteopaths can use a wide range of gentle manipulations depending on your age, fitness and diagnosis to reduce muscular tension in the neck and improve movement in the joints of the neck and upper back. We may gently massage the soft tissues or rhythmically “rock" the joints to release tension and sometimes we may gently manipulate the neck to move the joints and you may hear a “click"

Shoulder Pain is common and can be caused by a number of conditions

Rotator cuff problem - pain in the shoulder or upper arm, particularly when lifting the arm, lying on it or using the sore muscles. It is often the result of repetitive overuse of the arm and shoulder during a sport or activity or the result of a shoulder injury. Age can also play a part.

Acromioclavicular joint pain - painful joint on the tip of the shoulder where the collarbone and shoulder blade joint.

Frozen shoulder or adhesive capsulitis - is the painful and gradual stiffening of the shoulder capsule (the tissue that surrounds your shoulder joint) and the shoulder can often become so stiff and painful that it limits your ability to use your arm in everyday activities.

Referred shoulder pain - pain is experienced in an area away from the actual injury or problem e.g. pain in shoulder which is usually referred from the neck or upper back.

Osteoarthritis – progressive wearing away of the cartilage of the joint leading to the two bones of the joint rubbing together causing pain. Patients who have had previous trauma or shoulder surgery are most likely to develop osteoarthritis in later life. Symptoms include swelling, stiffness, aching and sharp, stabbing pains.

Shoulder instability – dislocation or excessive movement of the shoulder joint.

Neck pain from work, sports or accidents such as whiplash

Working all day bent over a computer, driving long distances, poor posture while standing or sitting, stress and tiredness are all factors that can cause the muscles in the neck and upper back to become tight and the joints to become stiff which can contribute to ongoing neck pain.

Whiplash is a common injury in a road traffic accident when your head is violently thrown forward/backward on impact which can damage some of the muscles. ligaments or joints.

Sometimes a nerve in your neck can become irritated or “trapped" and cause pain in the arm going down into your shoulder or the hand, and may be accompanied by pins and needles and numbness.
Osteopaths can use a wide range of gentle manipulations depending on your age, fitness and diagnosis to reduce muscular tension in the neck and improve movement in the joints of the neck and upper back. We may gently massage the soft tissues or rhythmically “rock" the joints to release tension and sometimes we may gently manipulate the neck to move the joints and you may hear a “click"

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What can I say they are fantastic , my doctor told me the terrible pain I had in my arms for months was something I would have to just put up with. Thanks to just two visits to the clinic it is now ok and I can't believe how much better I feel . They are to be highly recommended , fantastic people and a incredible service . Thanks Lynda Harrison

Linda Harrison via

In August 2014 I started to feel pain in my left buttock, this pain got progressively worse to the point it was all down my leg and in to my ankle. I went to a Physio who diagnosed an aggravated SI joint; 26 sessions (yes twenty six) I was in no better shape. By now the pain was unbearable, I had to take sick leave from work and was steadily heading in to a depression. I had two MRI scans that found two separate issues 'gutearal tendinopathy' and 'disc protrusion' . My GP advised me to take paracetamol and move more. Oh how I would have loved to move more Doctor! I was then recommended to Francis at Bolton Osteopath by someone who had a similar condition to mine. I had never used a Osteopath before and at the time thought I'd try anything to get fit again. I remember being practically carried in to the clinic due to my pain. Francis listerned to me describe my symptoms, he wasn't frightened of giving his opinion and more importantly to me he was very positive. I found Francis to be extremely knowledgeable and honest. As a female there was no awkward moments during treatment, if certain layers needed to be removed then he always used modesty towels. After only one session I actually walked out of the clinic and didn't hobbe. After a further three weekly sessions I was up to 90% fitness! Francis worked his magic for me which allowed me to enjoy Christmas and New Year. Also after 14 weeks off sick from work I returned in Jan 2015. Don't think about booking an appointment - do it, trust me you won't be disappointed.

Karen via

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