Elite Mindset - Rediscovering your Brilliance

Life Coaching in Egham

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The Coach House
Middle Hill
TW20 0LH

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coaching company, corporate training, Customer Service Experience


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Welcome to Elite Mindset – Rediscovering your Brilliance.

Are you an overachiever who has lost the work-life balance? Are you low in confidence and feel you are being overlooked in your career? Are you going through a career transition? Are you already successful but feel unfulfilled with life?

At Elite Mindset we inspire and empower people to fulfill their maximum potential through our coaching and training expertise – whether the goal is to achieve organisational success or personal goals.

Using the same effective methods and proven, yet simple strategies that expertly lead large teams at five Olympic Games, Elite Mindset will show you or your organisation how to win again. By bridging the gap between performance and potential, we help clients identify and overcome negative beliefs that may be interfering with their success and make the necessary shifts to more successful behaviours.

Whether you are an organisation looking to get the best out of your key team members or an individual trying to achieve a personal goal, we can help to set you on the right path to success.

Edison was right. Every single one of us has the ability to achieve in life. There might be challenges along the way but the biggest barrier to success is often ourselves.

The power to do this is all within you, let Elite Mindset help you to unleash it.

Corporate Training.

The success of any organisation comes down to the effectiveness of its people.

For over a decade, Elite Mindset has planned, developed and delivered innovative and experiential training programmes within high profile, complex working environments in the Olympic Games.

Covering a wide variety of management and development skills, we partner with Human Resources teams to tailor a programme to suit a company's staff development needs and organisational culture.

Typically, we like to embed ourselves into an organisation to understand the company culture, the people, what has been done before, business challenges and goals. We provide bespoke, experiential training experiences to maximise the potential of your personnel. Our goal is helping you achieve yours.


A personal/professional Coach does not try to ‘fix' anyone. Instead – we listen. We ask many questions to gain clarification of the real issues and then use a variety of methods to guide you in making positive choices and changes to achieve the life you aspire to have.

Decades of research in behavioural change demonstrate that when people are accountable to someone else, they are able to make changes and maintain them more easily. Finding the right Coach to trust and work with is not always that easy.

At Elite Mindset, we work with both organisations and individuals to transform lives by focussing on your values and discerning your goals. We help you to achieve success but along the way, we need to discover and understand what ‘success' looks like for you.

What is EFT and how can it help me?

EFT or tapping is the most exciting breakthrough in therapy and personal development in a long time. Based on the ancient Chinese Meridian Energy System, it is a new type of energy psychology which has developed over the last two decades. It is often referred to as ‘emotional acupuncture without needles'.

Certain meridian points on the face, head and body are tapped while repeating various statements (taken from our discussion) associated with the issue. It does sound a little weird at first but by following the process it helps to clear the disruptions and eliminate the resulting emotional response or intensity to restore emotional harmony and offer relief from physical discomfort.


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  • website
  • Customer Service / Helpline
  • Free Quotes


“Lynn has opened my eyes into the possibilities of what I can achieve in life. I now realise my true potential and self worth. With Lynn’s help I was able to make changes quickly and my life has transformed for the better.” – Ian, London

Lynn Stent

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