Hol-Med Clinic

Osteopaths in Manchester

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665 Burnage Lane
Greater Manchester
M19 1RR

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Key Services

arthritis, back pain, chiropody



Osteopathy is a safe and effective treatment for musculo-skeletal problems, using hands-on techniques to assess and treat any dysfunction affecting the normal working of the body.

We use a variety of methods to stretch and mobilise muscles, joints, ligaments and tendons to provide pain relief and improve function. We also give advice on how to best care for yourself once we have helped your pain subside. This includes advice on lifestyle, exercise and posture.

We treat a number of conditions including;


Sometimes people with a back problem also experience symptoms into their leg and/or foot. This can be quite a severe pain or burning sensation and can be accompanied by pins and needles, numbness or weakness. This is caused by pressure on or irritation of the sciatic nerve which comes from your back down through your buttock and into your leg.

Neck Pain and Headaches

Working all day bent over a computer, driving long distances, poor posture while standing or sitting, stress and tiredness are all factors that can cause the muscles in the neck and upper back to become tight and the joints to become stiff which can lead to neck pain and headaches.

Some headaches can be the result of tension or stiffness in the neck and upper back.

Osteoarthritis or age-related wear and tear in the neck can also cause muscular pain from the neck into the shoulder as well as some stiffness in moving the neck.

Osteopaths can use a wide range of gentle manipulations depending on your age, fitness and diagnosis to reduce muscular tension in the neck and improve movement in the joints of the neck and upper back. We may gently massage the soft tissues or rhythmically "rock" the joints to release tension.

Hip, Knee, Ankle and Foot Pain

There are many conditions relating to the lower limb that people present with at our clinics from degenerative conditions e.g. arthritis of the hip or knee to sports injuries such as runners knee or accidents leading to ankle sprains.


Tendonitis is a condition where changes occur in the tendon causing it to become irritated and painful. This can be due to overuse or repetitive strain. These changes can lead to chronicity and degeneration of the tendon and tears can occur or occasionally the tendon can rupture completely. This can be affected by the type of activity you engage in, your age and your general health.

Arthritic Conditions

Osteoarthritis can have quite an effect on day to day life causing pain and restriction and lack of mobility. Osteopathic treatment cannot change the underlying condition but can help to reduce the symptoms. Gentle massage and stretching and mobilizing of the muscles and ligaments around the affected joints can help to release tension, reduce pain and promote better mobility and function to enable you to do more with your life.

Chiropody / Podiatry

The conditions most commonly treated by podiatrists are wide and varied from removing hard skin, callouses or corns to surgery for ingrowing toenails. Podiatrists also do full biomechanical assessments to assess how the foot and lower limb are functioning. A dropped arch can cause pain in the foot or higher up in the knee or even the hip. Orthotics (insoles) are made to help improve the foot position reducing stress on the joints above and so alleviating pain.

About us

At the Hol-Med Clinic, we are more than professionals, we are caring professionals. We aim to give you the best experience from the information and welcome you receive on first enquiry to the standards of care and the comfort and cleanliness of our clinic.

All our practitioners are highly qualified specialists in their field with many years of experience.

Back Pain

Back pain is very common, with reports suggesting as many as eight out of ten people will suffer with it at some point in our lives.

Back pain can be caused by poor posture e.g. from sitting badly at a computer, lifting or moving our bodies in a repeatedly poor position or by an accident. Stress, depression, being overweight and sedentary lifestyle can all be contributory factors.

Back problems often come with stiffness, tenderness and mild to severe pain.

It is the most common condition that we see and osteopathic techniques are very effective in reducing pain, increasing mobility and getting you back on your feet quickly.


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