Stationery Suppliers in Dumfries
164 High Street
The staff treat the store as if it is a library. We are students who probably spend the most money looking for stationery, we love the products in Rymans and would quite happily purchase many, but as we are not treated as valued customers, we feel we should give the company nothing. This makes our experiences in the store horrible and we enter with the most decency and respect and get treated like dirt. When we are discussing products and ask for assistance we are snapped back at with arrogance and disrespect. We are called "bloody annoying" , "wee scaffs" and are told to "sod off" multiple times. Do you really agree that treating young people (potential customers) like us with bad manners and bad attitudes is company protocol and would you be doing yourselves any favours? No? Please train your staff properly or just sack them and do everyone a favour! Thanks. :)
Katzinkha Prawn - 16/01/2016 | report this review
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