Your New Beginning

Alternative Medical Treatments and Therapies in Hartlepool

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22 Aldeburgh Close
TS25 2RG

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Opening hours

Monday to Friday: 10am - 8pm

Saturday: 10am - 2pm

Sunday: Closed

Key Services

angel readings, energy healing, Psycho-Spiritual Mentoring


  • Working together in Harmonising Relational Cords
  • Transformative Spiritual Surgery Available
  • Psycho-Spiritual Healing and Mentoring available
  • Specialising in profound inner transformation
  • A Spiritual Centre for healing Body, Mind & Soul
  • Supporting individuals through a period of Cancer
  • Restructuring the Aura and Chakra systems
  • Intuitive Readings connecting to Gaurdian Angels

Holistic Healthcare

Providers of Alternative Therapies to clients, including Advanced Energetic Cellular Healing, Spiritual Surgery, Cancer Treatments, Harmonising Relational Cords, Psycho-Spiritual Mentoring, Crystal Healing, Chakra Balancing, Past Life Regression, Psychic Readings, Space/House Cleansing, Angel Readings, Psychic Development, Reconnection to Source, Reiki, Sacred Flames Reiki, Karmic Clearing and Emotional Freedom Technique. We also have a Mind, Body, and Spirit shop stocking various alternative products and gifts, as well as handmade items.

Trade Bodies / Associations

TECHS graduate in Advanced Energetic Cellular Healing, Master Practioner member of the UK Reiki Federation

Specialist Services

We are the only healing centre in Hartlepool to offer TECHS Advanced Energetic Cellular Healing and Spiritual Surgery to clients. This healing modality was extensively studied in the wider spiritual community of Findhorn, Scotland.

Psycho-Spiritual Mentoring

Are you, like so many people around the world today, waking up to a new way of living? Are you so very tired of the drama and pain you carry like a burden and feel yourself searching for a way of release, of freedom.

Psycho-Spiritual Mentoring can help.

Focusing on deep inner healing, self-processing and reconnection we will work to reveal your true self. We will journey into your original wound and conditioned belief systems. We will acknowledge the ego and meet with the character structures and patterns of defence at play within your subconscious mind.

Each session will be a combination of self-processing, healing and meditation. Session by session see and feel the release, the growth and the expansion of your light body as you truly begin to heal and to ascend. Welcome peace and balance back into your life. Rejoice in growing whole.

Intuitive Readings

Aura Readings

The aura contains so much information, in fact it is like an encyclopedia with past, present and future knowledge held within. Using high sense perception we can access guidance from this energetic encyclopedia to support and direct your life.

During an Aura Reading we may also discover energetic blocks or disturbances within the aura which are presenting as problems in your everyday life such as relationship issues, irrational fears, illness, low self-esteem, etc. Healing for such disturbances is included within the reading if you so wish.

Gaurdian Angel Readings

Using high sense perception let us connect with your Gaurdian Angel.

Find out why they were chosen to walk with you in this lifetime. Experience their energy surround you, showering you with love, bringing healing to you and strengthening your relationship with one another. Discover the little signs and signals they send to you to let you know they are ever present in your life. Recieve loving guidance and support from them.

Energetic Cellular Healing

Life's discomforts are more often than not caused by being emotionally, physically and spiritually out of balance and as the human aura is an energetic record of all our lifetime experiences, good and bad, we can all carry a lot of unhealthy energy around with us.

During an Energetic Cellular Healing session the techniques applied allow energy blocks and stagnations which may be causing disease, tension, fatigue, anxiety, niggling aches and pains, low mood, a lack of purpose, negative emotions, and poor sleep patterns, to be released.

Imbalances can also result from a physical trauma as our energy body also suffers the same injury and damage as our physical body does, retaining a cellular tissue memory (similar to muscle memory) of the event. Energetic Cellular Healing allows the tissue memory to be reprogrammed back to a time before any imbalance was present.

What clients can expect during a session fully depends upon their state of being and on how and where energies have become stagnated. It is possible that all seven layers of the aura may need to be worked upon as each layer stores different energetic disturbances. We may journey into wounds, images and belief systems that undermine health. Buried emotions or pain may surface to be released. We may need to restructure and strengthen chakras, limbs or organs. Deep rooted issues or phobias disturbing or distorting the energy system may need to be safely removed, as may astral objects, debris or beings. Sessions can be experiential with clients being fully aware of guides, spiritual surgeons and loved ones around them.

A number of different techniques may be applied during the session, depending upon the nature of the client's condition and resulting energy imbalances detected.

Some of the techniques used include:
■Full body chelation
■Restructuring & strengthening chakras, limbs and organs
■Clearing auric debris
■Removal of astral objects, debris and beings
■Hara alignment
■Spine cleansing
■Harmonising relational cords
■Phobia release
■Spiritual surgery
■Cancer treatments

All illness and disease can instantly be transformed into wellbeing by simply applying energetic knowledge, ability and belief, the belief that where there is light, and where there is hope, healing is always possible.

Cancer Treatments

Energetic Cellular Healing has been of major benefit to many of our clients coming to terms with a period of cancer. For more information, advice or to find out how Energetic Cellular Healing may help you or a loved one through a period of cancer please contact us

Emotional Freedom Technique

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) is about returning the mind, body and feelings to a state of balance and harmony so we are not limited by negative emotions. Even though we are ‘designed' to recover from unpleasant experiences or thought patterns we can be affected by recurring emotions from the past and also by ongoing or future events such as stress, depression or various anxieties.Our emotions can become stuck rather than dispersing and even if we try to ignore them they still affect our lives. EFT is a very effective yet gentle method of directly balancing the body's energy system for the feelings that you want to change.

Using EFT involves ‘tuning in' to the issue and then tapping on specific acupressure points with your fingers, dispersing the emotion until full balance is restored.

EFT can help to release;

■Feelings of fear, anger, hurt or resentment
■Frustrations and disappointments
■Feelings of guilt, inadequacy or loneliness
■Traumas and phobias
■Chronic pain

Past Life Regression

More than two thirds of people believe in reincarnation – that we live lifetime after lifetime in order to learn and grow. Many turn to Past Life Regression purely through fascination, to explore and uncover who they used to be. Others consider Past Life Regression therapy to find explanations and answers to the difficulties they face in present life. Whatever the reason, everyone's experience is fascinating and unique.
Once considered a gimmick, Past Life Regression therapy is widely becoming accepted as an extremely useful therapeutic tool, allowing acceptance, resolve and release of unconscious experiences and issues that are influencing our present lives. These can manifest as unwanted or obsessive thoughts, fears or phobias that have no basis in reality, as well as more physical symptoms such as an unexplained weakness, allergies or random pains to name just a few.
By bringing past memories into conscious awareness we can release or diffuse the energy and emotional blockages that are causing problems.

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